Swimm in the deep, stars shining like eyes without a face
La la lala alala... la!

Happi 18th! Pier spots to glaze over...

I & Mischevious enjoying the sunset on the pier, wearing face masks and swaying in da breeze.

Happi 18th! redraw of a continues piece, me & Mischevious at da pier! Twigs leanin forward to gaze at the water, paws kicking over the side of the wood and sunset dyeing eyes golden. Mischevious looks over the waves from behind.... fading blue with the stars, or bugs of dusk XD. the undersides of clods glow pale orange, the depths benath the old wooden port sway indigo. a teal fin spalshed beneath the pier ;]. wit double bronzer lineart, cast copper tones and alights Mischevious's hair. i wear a pink pillow case and striped long sleeve, leg warmers and ruffle shorts (wit my lil skunk tail); Mischevious has some dark (purplish in the light) shorts and a flowy light shirt, ruffle bottom. We both visited with masks, cuz reup and time passes! the strings float behind us both in the breeze, glinting gold in the sundown. My ear hearts r also there!!!! XDDDD

i kinda think this laptop thing was a bit of a blessing in disguise, i think it helps to tear back the pressure sensitivity and fancy brushes and just see what i can do, like the old times,when id pick colors for each shadow, not use blending layers. i draw on paper more abitiously? again, its fun. i want to practice so much, and this helped. using the layer modes at the end helped pinpoint, where i would lighten and deepen the darks of the artwork, and what those colors might look like on their own. still kind of strugeling with the pinks here, and how to describe the color as rosier than mischevious. though, i think the striped sleeve shading was pretty slick huhuhue/ uvvu. i really liked what the layer mode did to the color i put for the eye, it turned it copper, with ultraviolet blue like morning glories to me, the purple goes navy and the lavender goes cornflower. idk but it was cool im gonna compare the two basically.

Mischevious's short striation was based on a technique i did couple days ago for a watercolor/color pencil peice, aka 'twizzler hair' when i did it for glitters hair one time XD. just striat (flick the colors at eachother in like angle(s)/arcs to define the form) colors instead of blending then to create a shiny gradient effect. tbh, looks better irl, dont think i figure the colors proper here. ive also been trying to work on hair shading too, i think this'll help. other than that, i think i defintly don't know how to draw ocean waves XD, ill def keep redrawing this piece , its one of my favorites of these two, whetehr the original, or a reup meeting like this one, (theyre having a moment hush), also cinnabear fins cameos in this one under the pier, cuz its birthday themed lol.

i want to keep adding arcs to my art too, i think the shading on this is cool becuase like the sun itself , and then the blue opposite of it, the red sky splits the two, and makes it look like invisible wings comeing from twig, with Mischevious inside the second one/arc, kinda how Mischevious is in my world like this magic creature i can only hope to understand sometimes. (glimmers is so fly ong)
happi 18th! to me. been returning to my roots: gacha, toony animation/comic styles, animation memes, lined paper. i might do the hungry meem, i want to expand my library of drawable little foods XD! ( i never left nightcore)

May 19th, 2024...

Young Flavour of reading

I read a book for the first time in a while today. Like a printed book all words and shit. It was SOOOO ABleist, but it was so enthralling, just like how the words painted images in my mind, no matter the content. I walked away from the book with full on illustrations i KNOW don't exist! And while I was reading I could hear the faintest whispers of the characters voices. Oh, it was amazing, to be so glued to a book. I have lost my tact though, eating and reading a book that wants to shut itself from the crispness of its own binding is hard. I remember I used to be able to read and walk freely as a little kid, scanning my perifrials as i went XD. makes me, urges me to create yknow, i want to make something so much more,,, something else than what i have seen before.

It amuses me too, as the author weaves a story in which the weapon of the 'invader' is a beautiful snow globe in every home. Just how books carries the casualness of oppression, dolled up even, dot so many people's homes, or consiouses even. It's so strange how artists and authors can see such, but don't push the glimpse to a fuller picture. Interesting anyway, I want to do something with it. I'm not even sure if I should keep the specific book; for all that it entails rather than what i see when i remember it. I think i'll just read some more books instead. Cuz like ugh. pretty picture, but this is colonial to its core!!!

April 8th 2024..

Re-up... the Red Rover does a spin flip!

Wow it's been a year since i blog posted to this page! But i think about it all the time, isn't that sweet. i think it is. well, some things happened, i broke my computer trying to repair it, but i've got this new one! so now i've got to make do and cats am i , im pretty excited. i got a re-up laptop, thats 17" and buncha ram & storage bc i was finally upgrading from the og laptop, but then i broke the little one on accident so yeah. (kinda like that 'Ime chan wants to be a guitar hero' song not long back XD T_T ) here's hoping i can get an extrernal harddrive to get my files cuz they're cushy in there, it was more of a power issue anyhow. but for now, i haven't got most of anything from my og. deja vu almost. i feel very lucky my skillz can transfer over, and i can develop my mechanical creative mind further. just gotta find the right tools for the job, err it determines a change in workflow; they're not always what they seem!

but yeah basically, i've got some ideas!!! I've learned more semantics in the meantime, so hopefully that shows x](still figuring out longdesc tho. apparently its not even supported because not enough people learned it? even tho it be super buff??). m' making a spidery sitemap, and a couple story related updates soon. i will figure this out, esp cuz i'm going back to treatment soon! i might make a memorial page soon as well, though im a bit conflicted. the internet can be ruthless. Anyhoot, hope u tab in and feel inspired by the changes sometime.

March 30th, 2024...

Asteroido screaming 'I CANT FUCKING SEE' into cityscape

long desc: Asteriodo is pink lavender gradient curly hair, with two high short pigtails, choppy bangs, and curly cues. wears a giant hotpink bow, with a hot pink star on the lilac band, has two line patchy brows, large ruby red glasses, sharp teeth and hot pink tongue. HAZ brown moles and hot pink blush and dark purple eyeshadow with lilac lashes, all on tan skin.
Asteroido wears a dressed up shirt, stiped grey and lavender long sleeves, grey collar, lavender top piece, with rufles, before grey fabric over the midriff. Then a hot pink short skirt, with lilac hoops. under dat, lavender, and lilac stripe long socks, and plain grey pyjama slipper shoes, with lavender soles. Has a lilac 'x' on the front pink lavender bangs, and one is dark grey, with hotpink smear, the other light grey with dark purple swirl. has a hot pink star necklace with a hot purple chain, and is holding plastic cheerleading pom poms of grey/silver and pink/lavender strips.

In this pic tho, Astroido has the crying gacha eyes, lilac with blue streaming tears aside a gaping screaming mouth with fangs. Most of Astroido's outlines are a bright purple.There is a white glow along Astroido's outline, and the letters, white are lilac with black outlines and float atop the purple cityscape road behind. Astroido Yells " I CANT FUCKING SEE!!!" And theres a faint swirly '23' airbrushed in the top corner.
[end desc]

March 19th, 2023...



March 19th, 2023...

drawing of ASTROIDO on cityscape bg

They be askin me why i still use gacha -
Dawg i dont know how to draw 💀😀{skull, smiley emoji} AND I DONT WANNA LEARN HAVE YOU TRIED ANIMATING FRAME BY FRAME??? GRADIENTED!?!?? NAUR why would i do that when GACHA has all the poses i would ever need!?!?! i mean shit like gacha needa step ther game up yeah but in the mean time WHERE AM I SPPOSED TA GO!?!?!? jus lemme animate dam
anyways long desc: ASTROIDO but i drew it like a DRAWZER!?!!? cutely messy, dis wone ASTROIDOS eyes r open, dark grey pink smeared, and light grey purple swirl; both lookin confused, wit the sleeve paws raised. same cityscape bg owu. it says 'TO DRAWER!?!!' on the side.
[end desc]

anyways i luv making gacha edits. gaxcha edits ALL DAYYY!!!!

March 19th, 2023...